Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Finished a new baby afghan :-)


Arsenette said...

Thanks for the pictures! Wow that is so pretty! I used crochet when I was a kid (it's a family tradition that sadly dies with me.. My sisters hated it.. and my arthritis kills my fingers when I do it).

Thanks also for that last picture :) I'm sure also the owner of the blanket is going to LOVE it!

Pittsburgher said...

It might interest you to know that I sent it to a certain camera-loving baby we both know :-)

Arsenette said...

Seriously! He better take pictures with it!! Oooooh that's just too priceless :)

Pittsburgher said...

Hope so :-)

Pittsburgher said...

Never did hear anything. Hope it got there OK.

Arsenette said...

Maybe email them? I use the form on the website.