Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Don't Do Mornings

This is the Vegas shirt as you can see from the front.  The back says "I Don't Do Mornings."  Makoto asked me to translate it for him.  The closest I could come was "I have a big hate for mornings."  The funny thing was that the next day when he got up, it was clear that he did have a big hate for mornings.  His eyes were barely open and his voice when he said "Ohaiyou gozaimasu" was tired and gruff.  I reminded him of what his t-shirt said and we had a good laugh about that. :-)

1 comment:

Arsenette said...

Aahahahahahah that's funny considering that so many of them wear shirts they have no idea what it means. Glad he has a new appreciation for what's on there.. ahahahha